File this under "Things I Missed in 2020" I suppose.
I have a real soft spot for goth rock, especially the just shy of dance-able, head nodding tracks that made Feeling Gloomy the nicest place to be sad in London in 2005.
This is exactly that. Straight ahead 1980's-worship goth music. Not a hint of dungeon synth or neo- anything here. This is old school gloom, and clove cigarettes, and fishnet stocking gloves.
You miserable bastards know exactly what I mean, or you're likely reading the wrong music blog. Bauhaus still holds pride of place as the band I've driven the furthest to see, and 4AD is still the only record label I still blind buy literally everything from.
So put on your best androgynous frock coat, straighten your cravat, brush your velvet trousers, and enjoy this very dramatic trip down sonic memory lane.
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